Click the appropriate link(s) below to practice your note identification.
First Five - PRACTICE
Untimed note naming practice. Flute/Oboe | Clarinet/Trumpet | Alto Sax (Oboe low) French horn (low) | French horn (high) Trombone/Baritone | Tuba Bells (low) | Bells (high) First Five - CHALLENGE MODE How many notes can you correctly name in one minute? Flute/Oboe | Clarinet/Trumpet | Alto Sax (Oboe low) French horn (low) | French horn (high) Trombone/Baritone | Tuba Bells (low) | Bells (high) PRACTICE MODE Treble Clef Extended Bass Clef Extended |
Treble Clef | Bass Clef (Tbone/Bar) | Bass Clef (Tuba) LEVEL TWO - CHALLENGE MODE How many notes can you correctly name in one minute? Treble Clef | Bass Clef (Tbone/Bar) | Bass Clef (Tuba) CHALLENGE MODE Treble Clef Extended Bass Clef Extended |